same old energy!

i retweet : ffxiv, genshin (mostly only venti), other video games (yakuza, funger, etc...), danmei, kpop, general shitposts, naruto, anime.i talk a lot about: random kpop musings, just random shit in general, ffxiv, naruto, some shit anime takes, stray kids

about me !
zev | 20+ | i like women :3 | seasian | not cis not het | regular grass enjoyer | naruto enthusiast
basic stuff !
i rt 18+ content, please be 18+ when following | i rt spoilers AFTER embargo, i don't tag by then | i block people over the strangest things, if you're blocked, i'm sorry. | i am neither proship nor an anti. both of y'all are annoying as fuck. i block both equally the moment u guys are obnoxious as fuck in my timeline.